Realtor Referral Program

Amid high-interest rates and low inventory, you might wonder how to rekindle relationships with your existing clients and create value for them. Whether they are considering downsizing, accommodating multigenerational living, or exploring rental opportunities, Bequall can help.

What Does Bequall Offer to Your Clients?

  • Seamless Solution: Add value and functionality to their property with Bequall’s uniquely designed ADU studios.

  • Hassle-Free Implementation: Bypass the typical construction risks and timelines. Bequall's process is smooth and predictable.

  • Additional Income & Value: Unlock potential on their property, creating additional income.

What does Bequall offer to Real Estate Agents?

We want to offer you an opportunity to join Bequall’s referral program. By working with us, you can bring immediate value to your existing clients, and help earn referral incentives during a challenging market cycle. You also get the opportunity to learn more about zoning and permitting. You’ll also have a chance to grow with Bequall.

  • Augment Income: Participating real estate agents will earn a referral success fee for every completed project they introduce (3X industry standard for the first year with an opportunity to extend based on milestones).

  • Education: We’ll provide you and your team training on ADU zoning and other density opportunities that have passed to support value-added opportunities in your community with your clients.

  • Differentiation: Your agents can creatively help identify undervalued land on existing properties or find new value in future acquisitions.